Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Before I start this post, I would just like to say that I sincerely hope this post doesn't offend anyone who loves sports, because it wasn't meant to. That said, I don't really enjoy watching sports. I realize that I'm probably in the minority here, and because of this I end up having a lot of conversations like this...
DISCLAIMER: I do have friends in case this comic just got too real for you
After a few minutes of conversation, I usually get a question like this:
It had better be a meeting to fix that wacky hairdo, or else I'll be disappointed
Then I feel an emotion which can only be expressed by this meme I made:
Last semester I went to one of the football games because everyone said it would be super fun. The thing is, I'm not very good at spectating sports either.
Go team...
I'm usually just confused the whole time, and I just frustrate everyone sitting next to me.
DISCLAIMER: I know what a fumble is. I'm just exaggerating my stupidity for the sake of the comic.
One thing I've noticed about stadiums is that they have this innate power to do something really bizarre to people.
Extremely accurate
I mean, just look at that devious little grin...
At football games they have this little chant that goes something like this. One person starts by calling out:
And then everyone else responds:
And then he repeats it twice more. However, some people get greedy with this power and do it again immediately after they have finished the chant.
I don't really mind this, but far too often, the SAME person will then start the chant over again.
Little known fact: I am actually a dinosaur
My favorite part of the game was the half-time show, because the marching band performed, which was cool.
The only other thing I noticed about the game was that, whenever the opposing team had the ball, everyone in the audience started booing.
Now I know that this is probably dumb of me, but I always start feeling bad for the other team.
So I eventually came up with a solution to conform without having to feel guilty: