Friday, September 18, 2015


One of my least favorite things about living in a dorm is the fact that anyone can walk in pretty much whenever they want.
Now, I'm all about following the law, so obviously I have changed his name to protect the innocent and all of that fun stuff. So, for the sake of this comic, let's just call this charming human "Mustang".
Appropriate reaction to two people both having a very common first name
This is exactly what happened
That was the first experience I had with Mustang. But it most certainly wasn't the last...

Sometimes I will be in my room by myself, and I am stupid enough to forget to lock my door,
And out of nowhere...
Just look at that devious grin
Mustang then holds up his hands in the shape of a gun and starts threatening me.
I have no choice but to comply.
What kind of a threat is that?
And then he leaves without ANY OTHER EXPLANATION. At that point, I usually look something like this:
The worst part is that he does this almost every single day for no reason at all. 

Some days though, I am lucky enough to remember to lock my door. But then this usually happens...
I have to quietly sneak over to the door and look through the little peephole.
But then I remember that he doesn't even know if anyone is actually in the room. So I tend to keep it that way...

The most recent encounter I had with Mustang is my personal favorite.
I love how our room gains more dimension every time I draw it
I am 95% positive that he actually appeared out of thin air
Then Mustang launched into this huge speech about frisbee or something like that.
The excuses come flooding in.
0% True
100% true
I don't know how he could have possibly thought this was a good idea
Now, just watch because this is where it gets really bizarre.
A look of absolute terror
Luckily, Mustang has a very short attention span, so it didn't take long to get him to leave.
I won't say I'm particularly proud of what we did next, but I think it was probably the best option.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Faking It

I decided to add a little intro panel for no reason at all. Just accept it as gift from me! Or you can skip it, but then I'll be sad :'(
This is how 100% of our conversations go


One thing I have found about college is that I am a lot weirder than most of the people here. This usually translates to me having to fake being normal by pretending to do all of the normal things that all of the normal people do.
(Hint: I'm not that good at it...)


I often find myself in a situation where I am waiting for class to start, and look around to find everyone texting other people (or maybe each other?)
Most people look this angry when they text

At that point, I usually whip out my phone just to conform to the norm. But I don't usually have anyone to text, so I just pretend to start texting.

I am a master at sarcastically texting

But little does everyone else know...


Being a relatively quiet person, I tend to spend a lot of time "studying" quietly in my room. I usually prefer to listen to music through headphones while I work.
I always pretend like I'm so cool and start bobbing my head and furrowing my eyebrows to make it seem like I'm listening to the most hip music in the world.
When in reality...
So embarrassed


I love to watch movies in my spare time. This usually means that I'm watching movies most of the time.
I still pretend like I'm studying

But sometimes, a really, really, really funny part happens in the movie.
And I need to laugh. But I don't want my roommate to figure out that I'm not actually studying. So I just hold it in...
But the pain becomes unbearable. I can't hold it in any longer...
And so I let it out as softly as I can...
But then my roommate looks over at me to see why I have broken the silence. And suddenly I am locked in a critical staring contest of epic proportions.
And that's when I improvise...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Coping with College Life

Transitioning to college life can be difficult. This is the story of how I learned to cope with the struggles of college life.
(Warning: It's a lil' bit sad, so maybe grab a tissue or something...)

(Dangerously Accurate)
Typical orientation leader googly eyes

(Not at all exaggerated)
(in Spongebob voice)
The beds are particularly unstable...
(Dangerously Accurate)

And that's how I learned to cope with college life. True story.