Thursday, October 1, 2015


I decided to make a little virtual tour of my week of classes for your entertainment. Or at least for my own. Here goes nothing...

Chemistry Lab

This class is okay, but I don't really know what I'm doing half of the time, so that usually leads to some interesting situations.
True Fact: I'm the only one in the class with green goggles, which always makes me feel like such an outsider
You gotta love all those beakers tho

Chemistry Lecture

Surprisingly, this is one of my favorite classes because I actually understand what is going on, which makes me feel a little smart.
This class makes me more smarter
But then, of course, there's always that one kid in the class who mishears something that the professor says and FREAKS OUT.
It's gonna be okay, Ron Weasley
But I think we all know the real reason I like the class...
The look of a champion

World Regions

This class doesn't really count, since it's an online class, but I still really like it because we get billions of points just for watching a bunch of foreign films.
Just kidding. We've never watched any French films.

Psychology Lecture

This is an interesting class for me. But it's also very wacky.
I promise that our class is more racially diverse than this
feat. my friend being sassy

Psychology Recitation

I don't really know why it's called a "recitation". This is supposed to be a discussion class, but usually only like three or four people end up saying anything because hooray for introverted psychology majors. I feel you guys...

Engineering Education

I'm not gonna lie. This is one of my least favorite classes. They don't teach us anything very useful and they make us do so many pointless activities. Especially group projects (which I hate).
Casually rubbing nose


I don't really mind this class either, but it's always pretty boring. Also, the professor tends to say things that are kind of insane.
Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit
Later, doing a problem...
Distracted by snoozing punk with blue hair
Kissing the chalk?
Now watch as I roll my eyes at an angular velocity of  /4 radians/second.
Proud of myself for making a math joke
Well, that's all for now... I hope you enjoyed that little tour of my classes :]

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