Monday, October 12, 2015


Last month I went up to Philadelphia to see Pope Francis when he came to visit the US. Overall, the trip was enjoyable and it was a pretty exciting experience. But, of course, with every pilgrimage to a major Pennsylvania city for the visit of a spiritual leader, there are a fair share of... interesting experiences to be had as well. This is just a few of these incidents.

In Philadelphia, they had us stay inside a convent and we all were split up into different rooms. Naturally, everyone gravitated towards wherever wall outlets could be found. Once they turned the lights off, my roommate (who can fall asleep literally anywhere) was immediately out. But it wasn't so easy for me...
This is exactly what I looked like
Did I mention that we were sleeping on hard wood floors? And even though we had sleeping bags, they didn't really do much comfort-wise. Whenever I moved my body at all, I wasn't sure if the resulting sound was from the floor or my spinal cord snapping in half.
If you tilt your head to the side, it looks like I'm doing a sad little dance
Somewhere around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, my phone began vibrating against the floor.
At first, I just ignored it because I was too tired to move any of my limbs. But my roommate soon noticed.
He's pretty good at noticing these things
I still decided to just let it ring out, but then my head started filling with all of the possibilities.
The fourth most important emergency = Secession
So I finally gave in, but the phone stopped buzzing at that moment. And then the next thing I know...
I promise that this is exactly what happened
At that point, I was too tired and confused to do anything else, so I just pretended like that was completely normal.

When the trip was over, we left Philadelphia pretty late on Sunday and we still had classes the next day. I knew that I had a class at 8 am the next day so I was hoping to maybe sleep on the bus a little bit. But somebody made the wise decision to sit right in front of the TV on the bus ride back.
 And it's a little hard to fall asleep when you have The Princess Diaries 1 AND 2 playing right in front of your face.
But some people had no trouble, clearly
We didn't end up getting back until 5 in the morning, so I only got about 2 hours of sleep that night. But the worst part was having to wake up the next morning.
This is usually the position I end up in by the time I wake up
But my brain decided to be incredibly sneaky that morning and allowed me to doze off a bit after my alarm went off.
Me trying to be logical at 7 in the morning
And then I ended up having a dream that I didn't have to wake up for another HOUR. 
It's like Inception, but with less fighting and more sleeping
Like I said, my brain is incredibly sneaky. When I finally did wake up, I barely made it to my class on time. I hardly even remember anything from the rest of that day at all.

That was a fun day...

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