Saturday, February 20, 2016

Things That Hate Me

Before I start, I'd like to warn you that this post gets unnecessarily weird at times. Sometimes my brain just kind of starts spewing out the most random things for no reason. So, I'm sorry in advance.

So anyways...... this post is a list of some of the things that hate me for no reason!!!!!


This one is pretty self-explanatory. It's that time of year where the snow that's left on the ground has turned a sickly color and all of the sidewalks are just covered in puddles. I guess this is the only thing the list that actually deserves to hate me, because I probably hate puddles just as much as they hate me.
I stared into the puddle, as it stared back at me, both of us filled with equal amounts of contempt.
I didn't realize until after I drew this how confusing this is. It looks like stepping into puddles turns me into a demonic vampire. Haha, oh well...


This one annoys me so much. I have an unbelievable amount of respect for socks, but they go ahead and stab me in the back anyways. Allow me to explain...
So there I go, walking to class as normal.
I imagine "The Trail We Blaze" from The Road to El Dorado playing
And then, for no reason at all....
Stick figure anatomy makes less sense the more you zoom in
I still don't even know how this is possible, but my sock starts slipping down my ankle and over my foot (while inside of my shoe).
I think I drew a little too much sweat
By the time I get to class, my sock is almost entirely off of my foot and is just hanging out in some corner of my shoe, minding its own business. As soon as I sit down in the classroom, I have to take my shoe completely off in order to put my sock back on, which I'm sure looks pretty weird.
Cute little shoes though :)

And finally, the thing that hates me most of all is..........


Now this one takes a bit of explanation. In my dorm room, I have this drawer full of snacks and whatnot, because snacks are important.
But one day, my drawer suddenly just wouldn't close all of the way. It would stop before completely closing and then gradually just slide open again.
My drawer is such a bully :(
I figured that something must have fallen back behind the drawer which was preventing me from closing it all the way. I tried reaching back and grabbing it, but I couldn't fit my hand far back enough. I tried taking the drawer out, but I couldn't figure out how to get it out. I started freaking out because I was wondering how I was going to explain to my RA at the end of the year why my drawer wouldn't close all the way.
I apologize for how weird this picture is
Then my roommate saw me freaking out and came over. I told him what happened, and three seconds later he pushed some button and pulled the drawer out.
My roommate is smaller than the desk for some reason
It turns out that the thing which was blocking the drawer the whole time was a stupid bag of Goldfish. I even have photographic evidence...
Sorry if I startled you by the sudden lack of cartoonishness
So I guess it turns out that the thing that really hates me the most is actually Goldfish. Now every time I see a bag of Goldfish, I imagine the same thing...
So much hatred :(

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